Thursday, December 24, 2015

One by one, the list of States I consider part of this Union… shrinks!
The race for the most obnoxious state in our Union, and the ones that need to be drop kicked out off of it, keeps expanding. Seemingly each trying to out do the other in how poorly they treat their citizens.
is… Kentucky, Detroit, Alabama, Baltimore, Kansas, Texas, Arizona… I could keep going. I’m amazed the citizens of these ‘great’ States seriously don’t either should think about moving away and go, or celebrate the fact that their homeland has become seriously unsafe to live in.
My latest screaming moment, about this subject, happened in Texas.  Luckily I only read about it, and don’t have to survive it personally. Its bad enough to take away people ability to vote. Only our most fundamental right as citizens of these United States, but to take away peoples healthcare, their HIV medication… Here’s what I just wrote on Facebook, with a little rewriting and additional thoughts.
Texas… how do I say this…  To hurt woman for having abortions I can almost understand, having watched the news lately, this is the Republican party, t his is their goal… no abortions allowed, I get it. The whole world gets it. Even God gets it. I can understand it, but I don’t agree with it, and hysterically funny, that these so-called law-abiding citizens keep forgetting the simple fact that its, abortion, legal. It has been for almost half a century. But, I get it, and sadly people feel its their personal right and responsibility to do whatever it takes to prevent it. I get it, thats one thing, but, and I mean but, to destroy the lives of innocent people by taking away their HIV medication is just beyond me. 
Of course, the same stupidity that these inbreds, excuse me, these believers use to justify closing down of health clinics because of the now bogus discredited edited videos. Lets not even go to court on this, lets just shut down the clinics, without a trial. And as usual, these vile voices are coming from the same mouths who hate gay marriage, and the gays themselves. So killing planned parenthood seems to be a win win for them. I could say that I hope anyone responsible for this inbred decision, gets the virus and now has f*cked themselves right up the ass, cause their medication won’t be available to them. Ha ha.
These are also the same inbreds, yes, I wrote it again, who want to end immigration, and cease any minorities from entering our shores, ever again!
To the citizens of Texas still with a brain, please leave this wasteland and join the rest of America, cause your state has officially been crossed off my list of United States territories…
Screw ‘em! They want their own education, change history by excising slavery, screw ‘em, its wants its own laws, its way of thinking, its wants to secede, fine. Let it. Good riddance! Its not part of our nation anymore.
We can switch it with Puerto Rico! And we still have 50… and at least there, they act like Americans and not like inbred backward thinking redneck racists…but that would be profiling an entire geographical area, and that wouldn’t be a good thing. Would it Trump! Cruz! Rubio! Jeb! 
Or I could just say, sorry people, you elected ‘em, now suffer the consequences...
Just one man’s opinion                              
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Thurs., Dec 24, 2015

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