Tuesday, December 14, 2021

From Obama to Trump, to Biden, while some things have gotten better, sadly we are at the point when an entire political party has turned from bad to genocidal. The question is have we finally begun to wake up, or will Democracy be dead by 2024, or sooner?

APPROXIMATELY TEN YEARS AGO THIS BLOG WAS BORN. Yes I could. Who said it wouldn’t last? Well I had my doubts. But in any event, on October 9, 2011, I launched my little blog with the hopes that somehow, something good could come from it. Maybe a few people might agree, maybe more, and hopefully when everything is said and done, it wasn’t just a waste of time. That nothing I put down, put out there, I will in the end wish I hadn’t. I wasn’t even sure that anyone would even be interested, but obviously I have a lot to say. Besides it’s probably healthier getting it out, instead of letting it fester. We’ve seen how others react when they keep things bottled down, or is that bottled up? 
Much to my amazement visitors started finding the blog, and I presume readers too. Amazingly this post is my 414th since it began. Somehow, along the way, believe it or not, over 250,000 visitors have dropped by either just to check the blog out, or hopefully read at least some of my ‘sometimes’ shall we called them novellas. As this post showcases, it is quite long, perhaps my longest, call it my anniversary gift to my readers. So thanks everyone. If you are a first time reader, welcome. 
And now its time for shall we say, my excuses this time, for taking a little too much time away... again. Which segues into what my latest post is really about, the Republicans quest for apparently absolute power has true collateral damage, as their actions have caused a pile of victims a mile high. What gets me is, the more people die from the virus, the more apparently way too many people are ignoring how many people are getting infected and dying every single day. Just like Trump’s lies about everything, became almost a joke to his followers. The people pretty much got used to it,  and pretty much ignore it, and whomever tries to acknowledge it, or out the lies, simply telling the truth, are attacked as the liars, while Americans die by the thousands every single day. And nobody even talks about it anymore. Used to lies, used to death. Sure sounds like the end to me.
Ironically most of those being hurt, infected, and sadly dying, are now their own voters. A little bit too ironic for them, yes, I really do think. Who says your vote doesn’t matter? Well the way things are going, that comment could be sadly way too true, as the Republicans are now ‘fixing’ the system to do what Donald wanted. Happily for us, those who could have down the evil deed, in 2020, didn’t. But, those in power who helped save everything, are now systemically being replaced by trumpeter’s, promising to do what they wouldn’t. In other words, steal our democracy, and turn America into what seems to be a white minority ruled Christian quasi dictatorship, where a women’s rights don’t mean jack. 
And as is there M.O., The Republicans continue to vote against anything to help Americans with everything, in a quest to showcase what a do-nothing President, Joe Biden is. Forgetting so soon, both the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, and the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Both signed into law during his first year in office. Remember? Well I do. Well they almost all voted against both of Biden’s historic in size and scope bills. But instead of hearing how he’s actually done more than any President in US history by signing the historic bills in law, all we hear about is what a failure he is, and how unpopular he is. And any month now, his Build Back Better bill might get signed into law, so shove it republicans. And all we hear is how inflation will destroy everything, how everything is so expensive, and of course the biggest whiners are the ones making millions and billions off of the very lies, infection and death they keep spreading.
Its scary how so many people don’t see the irony of their pitch. They scream, that the Democrats can’t get anything done, while they themselves are the ones causing the apparent inaction. They are the ones mucking up the works as it were, and they are the one always voting against everything that could make America Great Again. You know the mantra they pounded into our brains for years. And only succeeded in making it worse, more violent, and outed way too many monsters on our midsts. When the Democrats finally figure out a way to get their bills passed and signed into law, without almost any Republicans assistance, helping everyone in the process, somehow the Republicans go out and pitch the programs in the bills as if they are the ones who got the deal done. While at the same time still arguing about the horrors and the costs, about inflations and crime, but that part of it, isn’t there fault. Heck, we voted against it, blame them for the problems. But...? Come on Republican voters, how many times are you gonna allow yourselves to get fooled again? And what gets me in all of this, when they do get in power, what do they actually do to help people? Give tax breaks to the rich? While the rest of us live in a country that is literally falling apart.
At the same time, they scream to the high heavens, that the Democrats are the monsters, they continue their pretty much in your face takeover on our democracy. But thanks to the powers that be, and of course the American people, the good guys won. The bad guys are beginning to get rounded up, and   that we still have the Democrats to save our country. Heck we still have a country! At least for the time being... According to the polls and of course every trumpeting Republican, by election day 2022, pretty much they will be running everything. All they do is pitch how terrible everything is, and somehow the polls numbers keep lowering.  I mean WTF? So whats gonna happen, a Republican will win the Presidency, because the good things that the Democrats put into place, finally are coming to fruition. And now the Republicans gets into power, reaps the benefits, and the economy explodes. Except, sadly what always happens, is the republicans then destroy everything to prove that the Democrats were wrong. And in so doing, help to elect the next democrat to fix the mess the republican left. And the cycle continues. Well I for one will hope, that Biden’s historic victory is a harbinger to come, and the low poll numbers will be forgotten by the time next election day occurs. As the, if I can be so bold, greatness of our current President and the rest of the democratic leaders who still believe we live in a democracy and not some Trumpian autocracy that they all seem to be jonesing for.
I personally think we will. We’ve collectively seen the horrors that they’ve done and what they could do. Me thinks this time we will be ready. Now let’s hope by then, the people in charge fix the attempts currently underway to pretty much take away all of our constitutional rights to vote, especially with the Supreme Court gutting Roe V. Wade. In theory that should get the masses aroused, which should make winning the next election cycle easy, unless that is, we don’t fix voting rights, and it’s actually too late to do anything but cry.
Now comes the apology for why it’s been too long since my last post. You see, maybe it’s because that it’s been 10 years since I started this, and it feels like nothing I’ve written about has done anything to help. I still can’t believe people voted for a monster like Trump, and worse, more people voted for him after his tenure revealed the worse of him. Maybe I’m just wasting my time, and energy. I mean, maybe it’s been all for nothing. I’ve spent countless hours on this blog, and sometimes it feels like all I’ve accomplished is the thrill that I’ve actually kept this up for a decade. Which of course was one of the reasons, I considered not creating it in the first place. Could I actually keep this up longer then a few weeks, let alone a decade? I mean who was I? It’s not like I have a built in fan base. Sadly unlike say an Influencer, I don’t have hundreds of thousands, or millions of followers awaiting my pitch for a new way to wear lipstick. And unlike others who have dabbled in the show business who used their fame to pitch their political views, I again don’t have the followers or the resume, that would make this venture possibly worth my time in this at all. But all that written, this blog wasn’t a quest to gain fame or fortune (that would be nice of course, maybe a book deal, would be way cool as well). No, it was a way for me to vent, to whine, to get out the venom and the poisons that too much of our world was pitching to us. It was in a way, my way to personally exorcise the evil that men do and try to make sense of it, even if I was the only person on Earth who read it, or who agreed with me, after it spewed out of me. I did hope however that some of what I’ve contemplated and discussed would seep into the ozone, and somehow find it’s way to voices out there that could make a change. Right a wrong and wake at least some people up. And even though I don’t have any proof that anything I’ve written has turned any heads, woken any brains, I do know that quite a lot of people have dropped by to at least check out the site, and my posts.
This post is my 414th ‘neilizms’ and according to the numbers, over 250,000 people have visited, 251,790 to be exact, as I am writing this. Of course from the little I’ve read up on such things, that number isn’t as huge as it might sound. But for someone who put out a blog, not expecting anyone to discover it, it’s a pretty heady total, which has helped to keep me going. So maybe I am getting through to a few? Perhaps my short posts, or more like novella’s sometimes has helped. Maybe Kamala and Joe, and the Georgia Democrats running for Senator last time were helped by me? Maybe? Well, I’ll never know, but that thought alone, makes continuing this blog an easy decision. Not that I ever considered ending it, but when the days I haven’t posted turn into weeks, and then a month or two, I must admit, I begin to ponder if it’s time to consider that idea. Except of course, there isn’t one day, when something doesn’t happen that makes me want to scream, that makes me want to jot something down in reaction. The question then has always been, what that reaction turns into. Sadly there are too many times when something stops me in my tracks and makes me sit back and shake my head, which makes what I am currently working on seem like last years news already, a day after it occurred. Which way too often these days, turns into events that can best be described as a snowball going down the side of a mountain, gaining size and momentum, as it takes down everything in a landslide of destruction. A lot of the Trump’s tenure has been just like that. But especially during the last few months of the last Presidential campaign, and the never ending lie-a-thon about how Donald’s presidency part 2, was stolen from him. Funnily, once Trump lost, I had hoped this blog would focus on other subjects, except he actually got worse and so did his minions. 
But sadly, a year into President Biden’s first term, it’s still mostly about Donald, and his never ending quest for power, while the rest of us get to live through what the ramifications of that means. That is those of us who still live. Not to rehash history, but it’s a shame Vice President Gore didn’t fight back, when he still had the chance. It’s possible the entire George Walker nightmare might never have happened, and the trajectory we were under under President Bill Clinton, could have continued. But let me not rehash that horror story, one which America still might not be over from, especially since we are still living through the current one, that Biden is trying to currently clean up. Please one nightmare at a time.  
For some, it might seem with this blog, like I disappear for weeks, and as is the case with this post, sometimes months.  But since what I write here, for the most part is in reaction to what happens in the political world, sometimes nothing that’s happening hits me the right way, or at least what I write in those moments, isn’t enough for me, or fleshed out enough to post and share. 
Honestly there have been times when just the thought of Donald Trump, family, or honestly anyone out there still pitching Donald’s lies these days have made me feel like vomiting. While other times, the events that take place, like the Infrastructure bill that President Biden signed into law, while important and historic, got pushed aside by other news seemingly over night, and usually it’s about something one of the Republicans have done that would only make Donald proud.  The short version is, I begin to write something, but another heinous event occurs which stops me in my tracks. That is until the next blockbuster event happens, which starts me up again. Sometimes that takes a few days, in this case it took me a few months. So let’s get to the events that got me to add Neilizms # 414 to the blog. Sadly, of course, it’s about the Republicans and their seemingly never ending attempt to hurt Americans, and to make the world a worser place. 
We've reached the sad point where over 50 million of our fellow Americans have been infected, and tragically over 800,000 have died, and still Republicans pitch quackery, conspiracies and lies, arguing against vaccines. What’s maddening in all of this, over 100,000 Americans a day are still getting infected, and the numbers are  currently actually rising, and that’s with a vaccine. Most of the deaths are coming from people who aren’t vaccinated, meaning people are dying for no reason except lies, and political criminality. I’m sorry, if you are pitching in your political voice, that the vaccine is the problem and getting vaccinated is the danger, not only shouldn’t you be allowed to have a  political office, or a say in the public conversation, you should be arrested and tried for premeditated murder.   
What I will never get with any of this is for once his con worked. For once a pitch by Donald John Trump wasn’t just a pipe dream, but a reality. And the conmen that pitched the fix to the Donald, were actually genuine heroes and saviors. But instead of celebrating Trump's magic elixir, and reaping the political goodwill, while in the process saving countless lives, the fools, who follow him, have taken his for once miraculous victory and transformed it into an ever worser defeat. By turning a pandemic into what more and more is turning out to be a man made genocide of epic proportion. I was already calling it a genocide when we had reached 30,000 deaths, but now we’ve reached 800,000 and still they argue against mask mandates and vaccinations. Perhaps we need another Nuremberg hearings, for this generations causes of our American genocide run by Donald and his pack of lying monsters. Amazingly the same people who helped cause it, are  the same ones who are all in on Trump’s attempted coup and their continued assault on our democracy.  
And what makes things worse, these ghouls are also making money off of their lies. Unbelievably the liars and harbingers of infection and death, and now pitching actual dirt, to the masses, contaminated dirt no less. A product called BOO! You read that right, their latest quackery is, instead of offering up the vaccine that their savior helped make possible. They are selling contaminated dirt, to ingest, to use like soap and water, or whatever, and people are actually doing this. I have to write it again, unbelievable. And the only reason tis came out, was several people who purchased it, sent it to laboratory’s to find out what was in this miracle, and discovered it was in fact just dirt, and some of the dirt came from soil near landfilled, contaminated landfills. Sorry, people simply are fools. 
Believe it or not, finally I’m getting to the headline of today’s commentary. Here it is. The other day, in yet another attempt to make people hate politics, several of the Republican monsters in power, tried to play games just weeks before Christmas, threatening to shut down the government once again. Which is becoming a sad pattern, whenever the debt ceiling comes into the conversation. How to ruin the holiday spirit we've all been in since Thanksgiving. I know, let's throw a little more coal on the fire of discontent that’s percolating seemingly throughout our nation. To actually threaten to shut down everything, unless President Biden removes his, as they call it "draconian" vaccination mandates is really a bit too much, don't you think? Especially when what these monsters are attacking is simply President Joesph Biden Jr's attempt to save people's lives. Something Republicans seem to be always fighting against. Apparently Republicans only care about life if and only if it's inside a women womb. Not the woman mind you, just the fetus inside the woman. Screw the woman. That is as long as it is inside, other then that it’s pretty much just go ‘F’ yourself. Especially if you're the woman with the womb, and whatever happens, only you good or bad, ave to live with the ramifications of the pregnancy. What a perfect way to get folks who are already losing their minds out there , even angrier. Happily Mitch worked out a deal with Chuck, played with the filibuster rules and shut down the fools attempt to shut down the economy just as it waking up again, no thanks to them.   
So sadly if history repeats itself, people will once again vote against their own best interests. And once again the monsters could win, while little things like voter's rights, women’s rights, and well possibly all rights, might disappear even more, if not completely. The perfect Republican deflection, cause a problem, somehow with a little wordplay, turn the Democrats into the monsters, ignoring reality, and somehow the Republicans come out the winner. Hired by the American people to once again fix the mess, that in the real world they caused. Even though every time in the past they use that pitch, when victorious, they never actually do any work for the American people, but instead actually always make things worse. Republicans gets elected by demonizing the Democrats. They destroy the economy or use foreign politics, wars, to waste billions, and then the Democrats get back into power to fix the mess. Clinton came in to fix Daddy Bush’s mess. Obama came in to fix George Walker’s mess, and now Biden has come in to fix Trump’s mess. Immediately after Obama came in, the republicans argued non-stop that Obama didn’t know what he was doing, you should listen to us, we know best, negating the fact that Obama was still cleaning up the mess they created. Trump’s big pitch against Obama, was his cleaning it up was way too slow, disregarding the fact that Obama had the longest continuous economic growth, which actually continued under Donald, until his efforts to undue everything Obama had accomplished began to turn to positives negative again. And then of courser Trump’s handling of the pandemic that devastated our economy. 
Happily this latest insult to every American citizen, and the generations that came before us, it was shut down before it could cause any real harm. But, the idea of using 'personal' freedoms once again, to in fact hurt others continues to be the Republicans mantra. They keep pitching about personal freedoms, while at the same time, stripping as many of our rights as possible. Like for example, the Supreme Court’s current decision when it comes to Women's rights in regards to access to birth control, abortion, and their very lives!
Simply put, in my humble opinion, the Republicans are pitching the freedom to die. And sorry, that is not an exaggeration. In Texas, the Lt. Governor Dan Patrick actually said in 2020 that “Old people should volunteer to die to save the economy”, when he argued against shutdowns. “We should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to save the economy from the coronavirus.” Of course neglecting the part that that could actually be helping to spread the virus, infections, death, and possibly help create yet another variant of the COVID19 virus, and this one, could just be the death of us all. 
All they do is lie. All they do is lie! All they do is ... For example, Mark Meadows former, or is that the current lap dog of Donald Trump is out there now promoting a book. A book about his time in the White House, and his experiences with the Donald. Oh boy. I see sales...plummeting. Finger’s crossed. I bring this all up because according to the advance previews, you know the stuff that is supposed to get you buyers, then The New York Times Best Sellers list, and perhaps then a spot on FOX (not by a million light years) NEWS. Well not surprisingly, and rather evil even for him, if you ask me, but totally something a premeditated genocidal maniac would do. So in other words, totally Trump. The week Donald and Joe had their first debate, you know, the one where Trump was acting even more insane then he usually is? Where during it, Joe  eventually had enough and said "Will you shut up, man” and the nation let out a collection “Yes!” And stood up and cheered? Well I do obviously, and according to Meadows’ book, it turns out Trump it seems failed a COVID19 test. Then he supposedly had a negative as well. But instead of perhaps telling anyone, immediately quarantining him, kept him under watch, and separate from everyone, you know protocol, they kept silent, and endangered who knows how many people. At the same time, he had already got infected, Trump was having rehearsal's for the first debate, of note most of those attending the rehearsal got infected by COVID19 that week. Including Chris Christie, who wound up in the hospital on a ventilator. 
If that wasn’t bad enough, he also met with the parents of 4 Star families. And let me remind you, Donald has never stopped telling us how much they wanted to hug him. I mean how could he say no, it would be rude. So what if he possibly or on purpose, get a few hundred infected and some more blood on his hands. Soon afterwards, it was announced that he indeed was now infected and was rushed to the hospital. And lets not forget, the Vice Presidential debates, soon afterwards. Where Pence had a hissy fit, cause he didn’t want to look weak, when Kamala's people wanted plexiglas between the two candidates. And the pandemic task force leader, whined no, but eventually agreed to the rules. The fact that Trump could have infected Joe, and then Pence could have infected Kamala, sends chills up my spine. What freaking ghoulish monsters the two of them are. It was if they were trying to hurt them both, or worse. 
So, this new blockbuster, and it is a blockbuster, which is getting a lot of buzz, when Donald got wind of it (the joke being, he knew exactly what was in it. He just didn’t expect anyone to either notice, or disregard the criminality it revealed). Well Donald's not happy, because it showcases what a premeditated genocidal murderer he truly is. So as is his habit, Trump found a puppet to get him on air, and announced that the information in the book was "Fake news." The hysterical thing in all this is, the man, who wrote the book, or at least scribbled notes that a real writer translated into a book that was publishable, well he came out several hours after the twice impeached liar in chief, and agreed with his former, or is that current boss. He announced that the press had misread what he wrote and they were pitching the fake news, not himself. Trump was a great man, he would never write such a thing. 
WTF? But as several members of the press have explained, it's in the book. You know the one you wrote. Sorry you can't have it both ways. Plus, Meadows, is another one of Trump's inner circle that the January 6th Commission wants to talk to. Who is playing games, arguing they can't talk about things they talked about with Donald because of executive privilege, even after telling the world seemingly everything in a book they published that you made money off of. Profiting from his crimes if you will. Boy I can’t wait to see him killing time behind prison bars.
The trumpeting Republicans attack the truth, facts, medicine, even science itself, and make up or simply share garbage on a never ending loop, and somehow people believe the garbage, ignore the facts, and spit on those trying to save their very lives. They attack doctors, people simply following rules. They attack truth, justice and the American way, while arguing those disagreeing with them are the true enemies destroying our nation, while they the ones actually doing it. All they do is hurt people. And every day, specifically since the vaccine has become easily available, people have died because of them. We are still losing approximately 900 to 1000 people a day from the virus, and now almost all unnecessary. Let me remind you, that not one America had died yet of COVID19 when Donald lied to all of our faces, how magically the virus would just go away, that it was just like the flu, and then the body count began. We've now reached the unbelievable total of 819,315 American's who have died from the virus ... so far. While we’ve had unbelievable had over 50 million infections, 51,018,282 to be exact!  But instead of finally giving it up, I mean how much blood could you handle on your hands? These 'patriots' are calling Dr. Fauci a Nazi?!? He’s the Nazi, because he’s prescribing to the nation as our countries top doctor, to get vaccinated. As if the vaccine is poison, and the virus is the cure. Apparently these folks who think they have white privilege or just think they are better then others, think their own natural immunities will protect them, as opposed to those living in the real world. Or they survived their first meeting with the virus, and they now think they have enough anti-bodies from it, that they don’t need a stinking vaccination. And of course we all know, they do. 
Now I understand I'm the last person who should whine when other's call other people Nazi's. Since I do it so often, especially in regards to Trumpian Republicans or sadly too many ‘regular’ ones. But when wannabe members of Donald's SS have the audacity to compare a great man like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the current Chief Medical Advisor to the President of United States, to doctor Josef Mengele, the man who actually performed Nazi medical experiments on his concentration camp victims, for one of Trump's seemingly personal heroes' Adolf Hitler. That I think is going a bit far when they are the ones who are actually the real threat, the real danger.  Projection people. It’s also projection. What they do, they blame others for. And somehow the innocent get’s punished, and they get richer and or more powerful every single time. They attack the very people who are simply trying to save their lives. In the process helping to spread the virus a little more, helping to add to the numbers of unnecessary dead, and helping to possibly create a new even scarier variant. You want to talk Nazi’s? Who needs gas chambers, when the citizens themselves can become the weapons of mass destruction. Like Donald and his infection, they guesstimate, he was in content with over 500 people. How many of those got it, and how many of those infected, infected others. And on and so and so on. Like one of Trump’s former tweets, shared my millions. Spreading the vile hatred that the right seems to fester in. 
I ask you, why isn’t every single one of these people, like Dr. Randy Johnson  being round up and put on trial for endangering the people. Dr. Johnson, Trump’s ex White House ‘doctor’ who unbelievably is now a sitting congressman, is spouting off lies about the new variant of COVID-19, probably helping to kill a few more people in the process. It was bad enough when he lied to us about Trump's health, heck, he’s only the President, why should we know if his heart is giving out, or he’s got a terminal disease. But when he actually is infected with a very contagious deadly virus, and keeps that secret, there are no words. Except, go away, disappear, and never show your face in public again. Unless of course it’s at one of your many trials and court hearings. You will be attending, for possibly the rest of your miserable life.
What is it about doctors who become Congressmen or Senators, that once in power, they lie about things all things medical, especially in fields, they have no knowledge or training in. Like deadly infectious diseases! All seemingly for political purposes and of course financial gain? What? Did they simply forget the oath they swore to uphold? You know the one we always hear about. The Hippocratic Oath, the one he's obviously crapping all over? I mean why does he still have a medical license? I mean come on. Why is it that every Republican who is pitching lies about the virus and the vaccine, not round up, kicked out of power, and rushed into a prison cell. Or at least ostracized by society. I'm no legal expert, but I would call them all premeditated murderers, every single one of them. I mean how do you live with yourselves? How do you live with the guilt? I mean do they even have a soul? If they ever did. Especially the ones who are actually vaccinated, and know they're lying their faces off. It’s bad enough to actually try to destroy our democracy, in a not so slowly, slow moving coup. Acting as if they have all the power, as if by divine providence, while they try to drown out reality with their never ending word salad of lies and conspiracies. Getting away with murder, and no one but maybe a few, seem to notice. And all we get are bad comparisons like cancer deaths, a non contagious disease, to showcase how nothing 800,000 deaths are. Maddening to say the least. Scream inducing on way too many occasions.   
We see what’s happening in the real world, that things are actually getting better. How easily swayed and manipulated so many people are by the lies that the monsters who are ... who have caused a genocide. Especially when you discover that almost everybody who has died from COVID19 has not been vaccinated. Needless death, needless infection. It’s gut wrenching. And it’s got be a crime of some kind, if it isn’t. And if it is, come on authorities, do your jobs. Please. Any day now. I’m waiting. Pretty please... 

Just one man's opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Tues., Dec. 14, 2021  

Sunday, September 05, 2021


Showcasing what real freedom in America means, Republicans just likely shoved women's rights back a century, and it has nothing to do with wearing a mask!  

PRECEDENT'S MY ASS, IT’S ALL BEEN A LIE, and we've always known it. Well I did. Sorry, I was never fooled by their word play, deflections, lies, mistruths or their pleading the fifths! But if there is a good in any of this, it looks like Republicans just made the next election not about Afghanistan, not about the 2020 election, not about Trump's handling of the pandemic, or the January 6th attempted coup, not even Donald's genocide on the American people. No, now it’s all going to be about women’s rights, and how the Supreme Court, thanks to the 3 conservative liars shoved in our faces by Donald and Mitch, who all swore they would never go against precedent, and that Roe v. Wade was safe for ever, don't worry, all good… guess not!

You know real freedoms not the freedom against wearing masks, but the freedom of women to decide what to do with their own bodies, without the permission of a man, or anyone. That’s the sin of these Republicans, they always argue against others doing crimes, blame others in their concocted accusations, for doing bad things when they themselves are working their evil black magic, their evil ways, to do things exactly like this. Freedom in America? Sure, to get a gun. To get a weapon of war and butcher hundreds of people in a clip, why not, what's the harm? It’s your rights, right? But if you are a woman, drop dead! If you just happen not to be swinging a penis in America, you're back to being a half a human being. What's next women lose the right to vote? 

You wanted to make America great again right, isn't the next on your agenda or is that slavery? I mean since you're outlawing the teaching that it even happened in our history, isn't it the right time, to bring it back?That was sarcasm, if you hadn't guessed yet. So now the Supreme Court has made it easy to have religious zealots who believe their rights are the only right's that matter, and definitely more important than yours, now can make a living by outing women who have dared to get abortions or those helping them, get a windfall for their hatred. WTF!?! You have people willing to let their children die because of their beliefs against vaccinations, so why shouldn't they now be willing to force women into having to set aside an additional $10,000 in the bank in order to get one, If sadly a woman needs an abortion, and somebody outs them. Simply unbelievable that now the Republicans in the Supreme Court found it cool with people deputizing themselves, becoming citizen bounty hunters, and going after anyone that assisted in any way women getting an abortion? Really? Well shame on them. And shame on everyone who voted for anybody who would allow this heinous action to be put into law. 
I just don’t understand it. You are the freaking Supreme Court? You are the law of the land, and you allowed this to happen? I so hate it when I am right. Have you people not been witnessing the last six months or longer, the whole freedom brigade? The right's pitch for their freedoms? No? Freedom from masks, from vaccines, freedom from reality, freedom from the democratic process. Our votes counts, your's don't sorry, we're white, we're Republicans, we are the only ones who have a say… say didn't our ancestor's own yours? Or better, freedom to try any concoction conceived by any witch doctor as an invisible shield from a killer virus, that's cool, as opposed to a FDA approved vaccine, them's the devils lie's! If the right doesn't help off you by assisting you in getting infected, they suggest magical elixir's that would end it a different way. Never listening to the doctors, just the losers who pitch conspiracies and never graduated from college or even high school, but know best. That is if you want to die! Maybe I'm the one that's crazy? Doctor's miraculously came up with a vaccine, it works. Yes, modern science and medicine are miraculous, it's simply a shame, that these fools, don't see that as something God has done. If man was created by God, isn't it logical to figure out, that God, invented the vaccine? It was his wish, to solve this problem. Wouldn't that be a logical response to their anti science, anti medicine denials? It solves the problem, yet their refusal to see it that way, has caused what should have been the victory of mankind, and possibly God, to take a step back, as they let the Delta strain pretty much, throw away any victory against this virus that we have achieved. What get's me is, in their evil ways, their plan is genius. If you cause enough death and infection to spread, Biden's poll numbers will go down. Look at how bad it got under him, look at how many deaths! This is all on Biden. This would have never happened under Republican leadership. Of course disregarding that they themselves have caused this spike of infection and death, by simply not wearing masks, listening to doctors, and follow simply safety guidelines. Oh, and get vaccinated, wouldn't hurt too. And to make matters more confusing, sadly even if you're vaccinated, you still have to wear a mask sometimes. And I know this is hard to comprehend, but, even though the vaccine saves your life, the virus can still get you sick, but, now you won't die! Get it. You can still get sick, like a bug, because sadly too many aren't listening to doctors but instead believe kooks, who are making money off of their lies. I'm sorry, but when do the politicians who pitch quack medicine, and cause sickness and death, get taken off the air and punished for their evil deeds? But that's another commentary. 

So here we are, the Republicans in power simply take away women’s rights, in fact legalizing people to become bounty hunters looking for a financial scores,and the Republican Supreme Court Justices installed by Mitch and Donald approved it. They weren't kidding when they said that elections have consequences! Whatever happened to 20 weeks, remember, that the embryo is not viable until 20 weeks? So pretty much all abortions were legal till that deadline! That was the precedent. Remember? That has been the deadline, the cut off point for the okay… nothing? Doesn't ring a bell, huh? I keep hearing that very soon, you guys in your fancy robes are gonna be deciding an abortion case for 15 weeks, which again is less then 20, and until this decision, this week, was always thrown out of court, because of that little old word, precedence. Precedence, something you all promised not to go against… under oath! At your hearing! Remember!?!?! All the experts say, that for the most part women don’t even know they're pregnant till after six weeks, and now they concocted a bill, that after 6 weeks, and you go, fine! Sorry, but pretty much, their pitch is, I understand we just cut out more then half the time, but suffer… I mean how evil can you get. Politicians once again going against medical advice. Just like with masks, with vaccines, and as always a woman's personal choices. Here's a thought. Aren't we lucky that in modern society most men don't earn enough, that women are allowed to work now a days. I mean if these people deciding our lives had their way, women would get married, stay home, raise the family, have 5 to 10 children, clean and cook and simply wait for their men in bed to do their legally enforced wifely duties. The Handmaid's tale come to life. And if these inbred racist losers continue to have their way, someday it just might happen. Laugh, I warned you about Trump, I've been warning people about Republicans and them doing this for years. My only surprise is, how surprised and stunned everyone else is. Have you not been paying attention? Perhaps, new people should become the talking heads that we all listen to, because some of us, seem to see reality a lot clearer then the so-called experts.

And as usual with these monsters, their hateful decision occurred in the middle of the night. Basically apparently with the stroke of a pen, they took the rights away of more then 50% of Americans! No discussion, not even a hint, or a hello. Just sorry it took us 50 years or so, but we cracked the code… oops for you., And you have no say in it. Aren't you glad you voted for the other guy, sadly too late this time again. Oops! So too bad, if you're stuck with a living, dead or stillborn inside of you, for months even if you don't want the pregnancy to continue. Call it a fetus, or unborn child, but sorry, and congratulations, you get to grow it inside of you… if it grows, till it's born, if it's… Just imagine, in the year 2021, woman might be forced to continue a pregnancy even when the child isn't gonna ever be alive… I mean, perhaps we are at the point in this madness where women have to carry a dead unborn in them till they die too, possibly for decades! My apologies if I'm grossing you out. But I hope I'm making my point. And as a bonus, just remember you get to pay for all the medical and legal bills as well. Yes! Me thinks everyone should be moving out of texas! Just remember to pick wisely, because now that it's been approved by the Supreme Court, expect this horror to spread quickly around the country. So keep a close eye to how the polls are in way too many states, you just might move from the frying pan into the fire, into the dark ages.

Well I for one am not surprised that the republicans are staying silent on this one. Instead of crowing like Trump would have done, who would have been celebrating on television having champaign, surrounded by the same monsters that cheered him when they thought they had ended Obamacare, before John McCain thankfully put a thumbs down on that attempt. But so far, the trumpeting Republicans are hiding in the shadows, I presume silently cheering their victory. Possibly some now realizing that with this run around, against women's rights to an abortion, could come with a giant clap back. That in the real world that they have just thrown a thunderbolt at, they just might have woken a sleeping giant. Those women and men who don't agree with them, who are waking up to the realization, that under the darkness of night, that the right's to women's own bodies, have so easily been swept away. Well, these victims of lies, and deception, might now rise up, and vote all of these monsters out! How dare they! You want to recall a sitting Governor, because you don't like the way he handled a multitude of crisis, like disagreeing with his decision to make you wear a mask? Wait till the citizens blame you for stealing their personal rights. Just remember that extraordinary outburst of peaceful protest all over the world, after Trump had officially become the 45th President. As millions protested the horrors we all knew were about to befall upon all of us. Soon afterwards, Trump gave us the first of three conservative republican judges on the court, which got us to this very scary moment in time in America. Now imagine what those marches could be about this historic and infamous moment in American history. 

In closing I ask, President Joseph Biden Jr., don't you think it’s time to rethink your stance on the filibuster?Since Mitch's long term plan has finally come to fruition, at least in terms of getting abortion outlawed in the United States, shouldn't you at least ponder some kind of change? If Mitch can do it for such evil, can't you do it for the greater good? Oh and Mitch, it's really annoying of you, to keep destroying precedent whenever it suits your needs. Like taking away the filibuster to enshrine that last lady Justice into the Supreme Court, who just might help bring back wire hangers as something all women have to have in their medicine cabinets. And now he's threatening the Democrats if they dare to do the same thing to save the rights of all American citizens and not just their rich white Republicans benefactors. Isn't that basically what you keep doing, every time the talk goes above a whisper that the democrats may have no choice but to alter or get rid of the filibuster. 

Every time, they threaten, yet they did it, and thanks to this gut punch into our collective freedoms, they've pretty much gut Roe v. Wade. So Mitch, your end game was finally revealed, and it doesn't look pretty to anyone one who isn't a Republican. I'm sorry, I am very angry right now. All we hear about is their freedoms, and all they do is try… no excuse me, succeed apparently, in taking away more and more of people's rights. They've spent the last year or so, enacting laws to take away voting rights, and now we see them attempting to take away a women's rights to choose. Apparently, the only freedoms in America we are now allowed anymore is getting even more rights to bare arms. Or the best one, the freedom to  spread a deadly virus, and continue Trump's genocide on the American people. I'm beginning to believe the master plan of the Republican party is to end all of our freedoms in America completely. They choose our leaders, no really, they are actually trying to do that by throwing away our votes when they decide what's best for them. They decide what we can learn in school, what we wear, our hair styles, diet, friends, how we speak. And now they're in our faces over our health and our welfare. It was bad enough when they accused President Obama of death camps, because he dared to give American's a better healthcare system, but now? The shame of it is, what they seem to believe went out in the dark ages, and their darkness is dimming what is great and beautiful about America. Instead of making America great again, they are seriously trying to make America over this time to a dystopian nightmare that never existed and never would have lasted as long as it has. The hope is of course, that as with this past election, right will prevail, and by right I don't mean Republican! 

Just one man's opinion

© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Sun., Sept. 5, 2021  

Wednesday, September 01, 2021


Hysterical, as usual Republicans are trying to gaslight American's, by pitching this is all on Joe, disregarding reality, history and the truth! Apparently blaming others, because you are too busy pitching a lie about your loss then to actually do the job of helping Americans is the only job you guys are good at. Oh and screaming about your freedoms, while taking American's rights away, you know where you can shove it!  

DONALD YOU MADE THE DEAL WITH THE DEVIL, nobody else, remember? Funny, you were just on FOX recently pitching your genius deal, you forgot already. Or is something wrong with 'your' brain? Alzheimer’s perhaps, or simply lard on the brain? Too many lies have injured your mind perhaps? I’m actually surprised you don’t have a tumor up there with all the hatred engorging whatever brain cells you’ve got left. You released 5000 terrorists out of prison, not Joe, not Barack, you, remember? You know the ones that we are, excuse me, we were fighting a war against terror against. You ended the war, it was your deal. You had your Secretary of State meet with them. You made the deal not Joe or Kamala. Not Barack, and certainly not Hillary, just you! You set the date, you can’t even blame this on your subservient VP, the man with flies in his head… But instead of fulfilling your part of the bargain, you were too busy going around the nation lying about what happened on Election Day. Now apparently you're pissed, after your tantrum on Fox (not by a million miles) news, because people are not talking about your deal with the Taliban, but are instead talking about the latest once in a century horror story coming out of Louisiana. How dare people care about anything, you aren't associated with. So what is it, are you proud of your ending the war, or are you pissed a real President did? You can't have it both ways. Oh I forget, we are discussing you, so I guess we can, depending on what channel we're watching and what side of the bed you fell off of.
You didn’t give a flying fuck about getting vaccinations out the door, you didn’t even celebrate the fact you actually succeeded for once… You bet the farm on a vaccine being created in record time… and it actually for once happened! Oh my God! Let’s hear it for the man. But instead of parading it out, crowing about it. Telling people to just hold on a bit more, till we can get the vaccination out, look at the marvels I’ve accomplished, it was all about your election, nothing about wearing a mask, or saving lives, just saving your job, and keeping the law at a distance. It was all about you, and your loss, not about the hundreds of thousands of people that died because you couldn’t tell them the simple truth… that the virus was deadly, and to wear a mask for the time being. The vaccine which you could have touted as the greatest achievement of any American President in history, a modern miracle by yours truly, a man who can walk on water… look what I got for you… Trump’s magical elixir. But a loser is a loser, who can’t see victory when it’s sitting in his lap, he only sees what his small tiny mind can comprehend.
But instead all you care about is making up bullshit to get yourself back into power for a job you don’t want to actually even do, you just want the freaking title and all the power that comes from it. Even the ones that don’t come with the job… you know the absolute power bit, that you keep pitching you have. Trump was willing to commit crimes to retain power so much so, he got impeached twice for it, and  should’ve been impeached four times, maybe more. It’s amazing nobody’s going after him for his handling on the pandemic. Less we forget, he was in a meeting in January before the first  United States citizen died from a virus that was hitting the world, but instead of coming out and telling us the truth he lied. All you had to say was wear a freaking mask that would save peoples lives, not pitch freedom, causing death and infection instead! Who needs freaking freedoms when you’re dead! Look at all the Trumpeters around the nation, all the anti-vaxxer's screaming freedom, who are now either in a hospital, on a ventilator, or already 6 feet under ground. Or better yet, outside on the ground waiting to be brought into the hospital because there’s no room for them in the hospital any more because people are taking horse tranquilizer instead of a simple miraculous vaccine… and now you come out whining like you did before you unfortunately shocked the world and became commander in chief, that you still know best. Donald please just go away, get your legal affairs in order, and get ready for the fight of your life… elections have consequences, you lost, now get ready to lose everything, deservingly. 
Trump made the deal with the devil, not Biden… he got 5000 terrorists released… he set the date for withdrawal not Biden… Biden pushed the date back… but instead of dealing with the date he set up… Trump spent the months pitching a lie about an election he lost… he didn’t spend a second on figuring out how to get vaccines delivered to the people or worrying about removing anyone over there in a war begun by the last worst President in American history. Oh yes, and with his racist leanings, he made that sure nobody who wasn’t American would be able to leave, even those who helped us fore the last 20 years… but let’s skip reality and history… let’s just attack the man who literary was left twiddling in the wind with this. And unlike trump, President Biden says the buck stops with him…. Like a real President does… not the genocidal maniac who offed 1/2 million lives with lies….
You guys are amazing. We have a pandemic on our hands, the previous guy in charge caused it to become a genocide, and you made it all about personal freedoms assisting his genocide. Heck, you are still doing it. Now the man and the war that should never have happened in the first place, begun by the previous worst president in history, George W. Bush, on a freaking lie. Thousands of people have died, hundreds of thousands of humans have died because of Bush's lie. Trump also a Republican lied throughout his entire presidency about everything, and for that he was impeached twice. He lied to get into the White House by saying the previous president named President Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t born in the United States, without any evidence, and amazingly people believed him on that lie too. Trump made the deal with the Taliban not Biden, he released monsters into freedom, some of those monsters are back with Isis probably, while the rest are now running Afghanistan. Not the government that we were paying supposedly trillions of dollars to, no they cut and ran, conceding the nation within weeks, no fight what so ever. 
Oh and it seems that Benghazi, oops, I’m sorry, Afghanistan, is going to be Biden‘s albatross if Republicans get their way, just like the Benghazi Embassy turned out to be Hillary‘s albatross, even though it wasn’t her freaking fault. Even though the Republicans themselves cut the funding on the embassies, after she practically begged them not too. But what does she know, she's a Clinton? Obviously more then they do, because they caused the problem, that sadly she was blamed for. Of course, as usual, another Republican plan blew up in our faces. And their response as always, is to blame the Democrats, it’s their fault. And for some freaking reason that becomes the talking point, reality, truth or history, never come into the conversation. 
Mr. President, Joe if I can be so personal, if what the Republicans are pulling right now in regards to your withdrawal from Afghanistan, the war that Trump ended, doesn’t make you rethink your thoughts about the filibuster in regards to a Democracy teetering on the brink of insolvency, maybe nothing will, until it's too late. Why would they agree with you on the people's rights to vote, when they themselves have people who are literally removing peoples rights to vote! This is the people who literally have lied for months, about the election. As we watch as one by one all the lawyers who lied in court are finally getting their just dues. And the joke about this whole thing is and I have said it before and other people have too, if the ballots were corrupt and mishandled and changed for the presidential election, the entire ballot was corrupt and null in void. In other words, those in Congress and the Senate who were voted in on the same ballot, their elections have to be thrown out too. Funny how that isn't in the discussion. They forget that small detail… a lot. If theirs were good, and they won, then Biden did too. In other words these Republicans were and are still pitching a lie, and they also should be kicked out of office, because if trumps election was thrown out their's should be too. How does it work if one is in good the other one isn't? It doesn’t! The answer to the question is, it's simply a lie. A lie that racist white people are pushing, without any evidence. And the sad thing is how many people have, especially those who aren't white, but are other shades, colors, political parties, religions, are falling for yet another unproven lie. The same people that got us into a war in Afghanistan in the first place, who promised we wouldn't nation build, then did, are the same people who lied about Obama's heritage, about Global Warming, about tax breaks for the rich, are also the same people who lied about the virus, about wearing masks, simply about everything! And now they're trying to lie to you about what happened in the run up to Biden's decision to end the war in Afghanistan.
In closing, for the first time in weeks I actually turned on Fox News, I almost threw up in my mouth writing that, on the day Joe Biden officially announced the ending of the war, I had been switching from CNN to MSNBC to see what was happening, and basically the coverage was about the flooding in Louisiana, no other news apparently was happening on this historic day, so I decided to see what was happening on the other side of the cosmos, and I switched to FOX  for the first time in months. It turned out I could only last about 30 seconds, because what they were discussing was Afghanistan and the fact that Biden had “lied” to the American people! He had promised they would not leave Afghanistan till every American was gone and now they’re still 50 to 100 Americans in Afghanistan left… so the president lied. That whined that soon the president would be coming out, and they bet he wouldn't be discussing the 50 to 100 Americans left behind, he would only be discussing his victory. And we're sure lots of people will be discussing that too for a while… the fact that Biden had left Americans stranded the liar! And then I cursed the television out and switched to a channel back in the real world. Seriously evil… but prepare to hear that from every republican who were all in when Donald announced the deal with the Taliban, to end the war, watch as the all go impeachment crazy on Biden for fulfilling his side of the deal Trump made with the Devil….  Somebody on facebook wrote they were ashamed of being an American because of what President Biden had done this past week. My response was, 'Funny I'm ashamed America elected a genocidal maniac… named Donald who made a deal with the Devil… releasing 5000 terrorists and ending the war … forcing Biden’s hands time wise…. Perhaps if he wasn’t too busy pitching his lie about his lose, he could’ve spent the time getting the vaccine out, and getting humans out of Afghanistan that you all seem to be so upset over… hmm! And way proud 'We the People' elected a great American to replace the POS.
Just one man's opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Wed., Sept. 1, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Sadly the Afghan government apparently wasn't that into 'our' American Democracy after all, seemingly giving up 'their' country without a fight, proving in the end, we simply wasted time, money, and lives on yet another Republican lie.

APPARENTLY, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, DECIDING TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN, following the deal that his predecessor put into place, is now at fault for doing the thing that 73% of us American's actually wanted just weeks ago, that they're now all seemingly losing their collective minds over. So it's now Joe's debacle, not Trump's, not George Walker's, they shout, and once again. And not surprisingly, the man who forced Biden's hand in this, Trump himself, actually had the nerve to come out and call on Joe Biden to 'resign in disgrace' over the way he's handling the Afghanistan situation. Well, happily we now have a real President in office, named Joseph Biden, who responded brilliantly on Saturday in a statement, pointing out you know reality, and when he said it people cheered, well at least I did. "When I became President, I faced a choice - follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our Forces and our allies' Forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country's civil conflict," he continued by saying "I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan - two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth." But now that he's being a man of his word, unlike Donald, they are losing their minds. 

Funnily, the loser in orange, the man who play acted, but never wanted to actually do the job, but demanded the trapping's and the power of the presidency, has as always tried to erase the truth from his past. As it's been reported Donald scrubbed his commentary online that touted the deal he set up in February 2, 2020 to leave Afghanistan. Seems the fellow that is now in charge of the Talaban, supposedly sitting in the Presidential office, in control of the Afghanistan government, after seemingly leading them back into power without a fight back. Then in 2020, Trump's Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, met with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, in a well reported get together and discussed things, that of course nobody but they know about. And now in 2021, after President Ashraf Ghani fled Afghanistan for Tajikistan, in fear for his life, it turns out, that same man, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the man Donald helped get free, is set to become the new President of Afghanistan under Taliban rule. In fact, he's already been pictured in what is reportedly the Presidential office, surrounded by his victorious pals, scarily, the image is way too reminiscent in visuals to the terrorists that stormed the Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 6th, and was photographed with their weaponry, and military style clothing. How sad is that? Who knew Donald's love for dictator like leaders, would lead to him assisting one into getting into power. Now I'm not just wondering if Trump made some sort of deal with the Taliban that if he helped them back into power. Perhaps they might agree let him build some giant gold Trump monstrosity that would tower over the new Afghanistan capital, or whatever new name they decide to rename the nation. 
The worse part in all this, is that it appears, the Talaban, the so-called bad guys in all this, simply walked back into power after 20 years without having to break a sweat. There was no fight, just a oops moment, a welcome home, a here goes, and it's all your's now. Proving once again, you can't nation build people, especially when it turns out, that nation doesn't really want what you're pitching. Especially when history tells you, as George Walker Bush, actually warned us about all the previous failed attempts that others had tried, at the same time that he ironically himself was in the midsts of launching his own failed offensive! The fact that he didn't listen to his own words, and pitched that he knew better, and it sadly it turned out to be the longest war in our nation's history, should make none of us forget, that until Donald showed up, Junior Bush was the worst President in this nations history. 
Seems, the naysayers attacking President Biden, disregard what Trump concocted was just another con he pulled over on everyone. The only thing he has ever said in politics, that had an ounce of truth at all in it, occurred during his campaign for President in 2016. It happened when he responded to a question at the debates about George Walker's failed war, the one President Joe Biden has now finally officially ended. He said Bush had made an error,  and he would end the war if he was elected President. Well apparently he was right about Bush's wrong decision to take us to war, and as is the case with everyone of Donald's decisions, even when he makes a correct one, in this case to end the war, but he decided to end it without a real end game plan of what to do to get us out with as little damage as possible. And now, of course, his replacement the current President, Joe Biden, has to clean up the mess he was forced into. Just like his leaving it to others to figure out how to give the people the vaccine he so rightly touted, I mean why worry about that. 
Remember Trump set it up so that the Afghani people would defend their own nation from the terrorists closing in on them. And now that Biden has fulfilled Trump's end of the bargain, the trumpian Republicans are going completely mental over it. I guess thinking that the American people will completely forget what is happening in our own streets, that they helped to cause. The threat of insurrectionists in our midst attempting another coup, another take over. What insurrection? They shout, as more and more evidence comes out that that's exactly what Trump and his minions attempted and are still attempting, both inside and outside the government. 
Lets not forget, we didn't go into that country to nation build, they promised. It was simply to get the monsters that attacked us on 9/11. Let's simply disregard that Bush attacked the wrong nation, on trumped up evidence that was laughable at best. 
We weren't there to become a permanent protector of the nation, on the American people's dime. A cash cow to help prop up a pseudo democracy that apparently wasn't something that ever would become permanent in their country. They keep complaining about the costs of the Democrats plans, ignoring that they caused the deficit we are in, by incompetence and that ridiculous gift they gave to their rich buddies, whiter a tax break for the ages, not to forget all the money we wasted buying military weaponry which is now all the property of the Taliban run Afghanistan country. And am I the only person who is happy, that this is happening under a Biden Administration and not by the orange guy in Kabuki makeup, I mean how many American's might have died in Donald's transition there, before this transition of power is settled there. I think if Donald had gotten his wish and was back in power, construction would have already begun on that golden tower in Kabul, I mentioned briefly above. And never forget, this decision by President Biden, was set in motion by Donald Trump, who made the deal with the Talaban, to officially end our time in their world. 
I guess all we can do now is to sit back, hope, and discover if they are a threat to us in the future, or simply a nation under new management, that the world needs to learn how to live with, and just in case prepare for another battle to come. Sometimes nothing can stop fate, not even our so called American greatness. I already heard discussions today about what's gonna be happening on September 11th? Should we already be worrying? That the entire time that we were in this war, not once were we attacked in America, by the Taliban. As if ending this war, was gonna mean we are now in danger once more. Actually sounding more like, it means, those saying this simply want us yet another never ending war.
And speaking of Donald, let us not forget that he came into power promising to end the war, but instead, once in prolonged it, till he and his buddies came up with a plan to negotiate with the Taliban and not the political party that was supposedly running the nation we put into power and was it turns out propping up. And it was him, not Biden, in November 17, 2020, that announced the Troop Withdrawal in May 1, 2021. President Biden actually announced that date was too soon, and announced a later date, closer to September 11, 2021. The fact that Trump now says he would have ended it better then Biden, is I'm sorry, garbage. Look at how he handled the COVID19 crisis, his less then perfect example of how he completely forgot the issue of getting the vaccine to the citizens, of America. Thank God the geniuses who pitched the vaccine wonder drug, actually turned out to be, well geniuses. Operation Warp Speed, turned out to be probably Trump's greatest achievement, let's just disregard the fact of getting the vaccine top the people, or better yet, pitching it to them like it's a good thing, and not poison!   
And of course it turned out Donald didn't have a plan. Perhaps once back in power, someday, if we were ever so 'lucky', that part of the plan would have been developed. But instead of working with the incoming administration on developing a plan, they were too busy, keeping the Biden administration out. Still concocting garbage to subvert democracy, losing in court room after court room, till all the lawyers involved transformed from accusers into defendants in their own cases. It turns out, lying in court is a crime, who knew? Turns out, Donald's personal attorney, Giuliani told federal agents it was okay to ‘throw a fake’ during a political campaign. Meaning one can lie in public, it's all good, but once in a court room, you can't. It's against the law! Something that one too many Republicans seem to forget once they have to appear in hearings on the Senate floor. Sadly for them, the court of law is different then partisan political buddies in the Senate, who have already sold their souls out and apparently have also lost their minds. 
Well in regards to Afghanistan, President Biden went enough is enough. He had been saying for years that we should have left already. So his hands were tied with the plans that Trump set in motion, and in the end he decided, enough is enough, we can't win this, sadly we can only delay the inevitable. And it turns out, his decision, as he says proved why this whole debacle never should have happened in the first place. It began with a lie, and ended with the truth. Sadly people died because of lies by another Republican group of monsters. 20 years, have come and gone, and the reality of what the Republicans led by George Walker and his Vice President, had caused. And they never had to face their day in court for the bloodshed and misery they set into motion, the lives they destroyed. And now they lie about an election and a killer virus, which they helped turn from a pandemic into genocide. Scarily, some of the same people who pitched the lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction, are the same monsters lying about why we should never leave the war torn nation, also argue why masks are the real enemy of our freedoms and why getting vaccinated is actually worse then catching the virus.     
Of course the saddest part of this whole tale are the people who live in Afghanistan, especially women, and the children, who have had the chance to discover what Western culture is like, and now might have to be forced into living in barbaric and horrific conditions or worse. I feel bad, but, I'm sorry, to listen to the news media and all the talking heads, it's as if what's happening this week is all on America. One reporter at yesterday's press briefing with Biden's National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, asked wasn't it a bad example for such a powerful nation, she was talking about America, not to sacrifice to help all the people trying to flee Afghanistan, now? Well Jake, wasn't having any of it. You could almost feel the verbal response boiling up inside before he spoke. And once he spoke, it was a thing of beauty.  'I think twenty years, thousands of lives, over a trillion dollars of American's tax payers money' have proven how much we have sacrificed'. Over a lie, must we not forget.  
One last thing on this, the other big complaint on all of this, we weren't prepared for the evacuation. Biden failed, big time they scream. Well I hate to disagree, but our President wasn't at fault at all in this. Just remember, even after Joe Biden was sworn into office, thanks to Mitch's help, our 46th President had to wait at least a month to actually take over, as Donald played the delay tactic. Also, remember the original date was in May, and Biden got the extra time, he thought he had. Sadly, their government, didn't fight back, giving whatever breathing room, we had I guess planned to disappear over night. Amazingly, at least so far,  The Taliban, pretty much gave the Biden Administration a very small window to get the heck out of their country. And lastly, lets not everybody forget, as the days dwindled to a precious few, Biden, came into office, with a pandemic exploding, a vaccine that they hadn't planned on how to get it to anyone. So lets add all that to it,  and I didn't even mention the little picnic that Donald's minion's all went to on January 6th, you know when America showcased it had transformed just a little bit into the adversaries we had battled in war the last two decades on their land. Well, they won the war, apparently, and we, wasted two decades on a pipe dream pitched by liars, thieves, and point blank monsters who so far have gotten away with murder. 
And finally in closing, why are most people skipping the sad truth in all this? That in the end, their own political leaders didn't fight for them. It's on them, not on us. All that training, out the window. All those lives wasted on lies. All that money flushed down the toilet. Well at least for 20 years, some people were given a taste of what we have, but sadly that experience, didn't change the outcome of this failed experiment. Their political leaders and military just gave up, threw down their weapons, or simply an away trying to save themselves. I am truly sorry that some people, by the luck of the draw were born and or live in the wrong country at the wrong time. By that I mean they are destined to live under the rules that their nation follows. It's bad enough to live in one with freedoms, when your's are being stripped away, or never given to in the first place. And let me stop right there, before anyone attacks me, I am forever grateful, and know how lucky I am to have been born in the United States. and especially happy to have been born and raised, and lived most of my life in as they like to say on television 'the great state of' New York. Actually lucking out by having parents that decided to live in the city of New York itself. Even in our own nation, one has to be so lucky, to find out what state you live in, even what city. As our own political leaders especially this past year have proven, as we discovered, depending on your's wearing a mask is either a weapon to fight a killer virus, or an attack against our very freedoms. Remember, we lived in a divided nation once, officially, as we survived a little thing called The Civil War, and as we have learned too often, since, the deal to end it, didn't end everything that we actually battled over and defeated. But, at least, in our world, there is opportunities to fight to fix that. 
How horrible, how tragic, simply by the accident of where you are born, that country's like Afghanistan, living there, pretty much means you're a slave to whatever whims that their leaders require, and that is something I would never wish on anyone. Sadly, their government, didn't fight for their citizens and now the people have seemingly lost any semblance of freedoms they were enjoying, possibly for the first time, forever. Honestly, it confuses me, the idea that some people, they themselves gave up their own freedoms, like in Russia or Turkey. They had Democracy's, some after revolutions, and the citizens themselves, they voted their own freedoms away!?!? The ridiculousness that people in America are screaming, are arguing that being forced to wear a mask is taking away their freedoms, really? Which brings me to a question? Why aren't people allowed to live in any nation they want? When did this decision come from high above? And when did the collective agree to this? Seriously, I've always wondered when did people become the property of the state, just saying? What century? Who? And why did people allow this? Were people always slaves, and that part of the story has been whitewashed? Like the current Republican party who is trying to erase the real history of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, really? When did it become okay to ostracise bother for believing in different beliefs? I understand fate, but talk about predestination. Why is it, that by the accident of where you were born, you've already been labeled for life? I think about this question, every time, a war breaks out. Every time there is a riot in a city, or even a simply racist commentary. Who gave you the right to your opinion, and why does that have any more weight then anyone else's? Or every time the next wave of refugees show up at our southern border, they hoping to be set free in America, from their own predestination. Every time, I hear people argue that others shouldn't be allowed into our land, I recall our ancestors, their journey's. How our forefathers left their ancestral homes, to escape the rules they were living under, I scream out loud in anger, 'This is America people. That's who we are. Those people, are us.' And it's now time to welcome them. You don't like it, you know what you can do, take their place, in their old homes … or shut up and wish them good luck. And as we hear the attacks form all sides, all I can say is, if this isn't a time for self reflection there never was.  

Just one man's opinion

© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Wed., Aug 18, 2021

Thursday, July 22, 2021

IMHO what Kevin McCarthy did yesterday, was already discussed with Donald in their last get together… Ignore what actually happened on Jan 6th, it was all Nancy's fault! Screw Democracy… no screw you!!

TRIGGERED AGAIN, SERIOUSLY I WAS SHAKING WITH ANGER, as I sat through the biggest sham I've ever seen, well, since maybe last week's biggest sham, or was that the day before? As Kevin McCarthy and the now 'not' involved Republicans he had chosen to be in (or is that on), the January 6th Select Committee, announced he was pulling all of his members out. Apparently Kevin was upset, because Nancy just kicked two of McCarthy's picks to the curb. I mean come on, she's no dummy, she saw right through Kevin's schemes, and said no! She used her veto power, which she got, when he blew up the original bi-partisan commission, and she was forced into creating this committee. So, in a hissy fit, Kevin pulled all of his picks, and then used the time to spin the story from a search for the truth of what actually caused and who was in on, the January 6th event, into yet another sideshow showcasing just how partisan political the trumpeting Republicans really are.  
So what did I get from watching this circus event? Simply put, we now know what Kevin and Donald talked about in their last get together. A way to get away with murder in the least, and a signal to what their pitch will be in the 2024 election. Get ready. It wasn't the followers of Donald who tried to overthrow Democracy, it was Nancy Pelosi and the Trump hating Democratic Socialists. They are the bad guys, Donald is the greatest President who ever has walked the earth, and surely need padded rooms and white straight jackets. I'm sure they never discussed his future prison sentences, or is actual audits, or his fund raising, or even their dangerous rhetoric, probably helping more then anything to off a few thousand more Americans at any possible chance, with their continued attacks on the vaccine, medicine and science.  Of course not, all they probably discussed this time, was ways to make Nancy's Select Committee into a political weapon against the Democrats. And the only way they can do that, is to create a circus, pitch more lies, turn someone else into the monster, the scapegoat, and try to change the subject. While in the background, they systemically attempt to turn our democracy for the people, into their own personal wish list. And once again try to lie their way back into power, just ignore the Trump followers who stormed the Capitol. This is all on Nancy Pelosi, she's to blame… for the lack of security on the day. It's her fault, no one else's. That's it. How do I write this, what utter fools these losers be. I honestly think we need to have all of them genetically checked for inbreeding, and I am not being sarcastic. Kevin, weren't you paying attention? That question was actually asked and answered a lot in the previous committees on the event and of course with the witnesses and their testimony during Trump's second Impeachment trial. Or were you too busy trying to turn those events into political commercials for your campaign to be the next Majority Leader, or is your ambition greater, the next douche bag Republican President? Perhaps with Junior or Jared as your Vice Presidential running mate, heaven forbid. But on this day, during this planning session or should I write, Trump's decrees for then day, I'm sure the conversation was all coming up with ways to steal President Biden's Presidency or at least render it as powerless as possible, for his eventual takeover. God forbid. 
That being written, to those who question the reasons those brave Texas Democrats fled their state to stop Republicans from voting in a draconian anti voting rights bill, are more patriotic then any one of the Republicans who argue so hard how much they love our nation as they transform their political beliefs into something akin to Apartheid or is that Fascism. Remember when Trump claimed that the popular votes of the over 3 million votes that Hillary won by were all illegal? That's what he meant. How ironic that a man who camouflages his face with orange clown make up, has issues with people with natural color in their skins… and apparently their rights to vote. Well this is a man who was once legally punished in New York State for not allowing people of color to rent apartments in his families properties, so why should anyone expect anything different today.  
I was gonna write yesterday's events were simply unbelievable, but by now, nothing they do or say should be a shock or a surprise. Just another event that makes you shake your head at whatever garbage they're pitching, because sadly it's always just another crock of horse manure, just as it was the day before. But Kevin announcing they would create a committee of their own, to prove that Nancy Pelosi was the guilty one in all this, probably topped everything else today. So pretty much Kevin is threatening to create his own committee, and go after Nancy just like they went after Hillary during their never ending bogus Benghazi witch hunts. And what geniuses Kevin and Donald are, they're gonna be using the same attack dog too, Rep. Jim Jordan. Like I wrote, this would be unbelievable, if things like this didn't happen so often now a days. But Jim Jordan, the same Representative who grilled, what should have been our real 45th President, during the Benghazi hearings, in that now famous 11 hour  session. That Hillary aced, while his fellow jackals in red tried to transform the former Secretary of State into the monster they wanted us to believe she was. And all they did was prove she was qualified to be the next President by a mile. Let's not discuss them reducing budgets on Embassy's around the world, after she had asked them to raise the amount because of how dangerous it was out there, but instead let's blame her for the deaths of 4 individuals, as if she herself had murdered them with her bare hands! As usual with them, they find someone to use as the scapegoat, and ignore all reality, fact, witnesses, the actual terrorists who attacked the embassy, the video tape or history. 
The question is of course, was this their plan in the first place? Everyone knows, I mean, Kevin and Trump publicized it for God's sake, a few weeks back Kevin took a trip to hang with the Trump, you think this didn't come up?  It wasn't like Kevin or any of the republicans wanted this commission or any investigation into January 6th, in any way. They've been trying to get past the event since the day it happened. I mean wouldn't you, if your side was in on it… allegedly. First of course, they didn't want a committee at all. Lets all forgive and forget. Oops about the dead police… But, the charade began, and then they supposedly negotiated in good faith. That is, till they actually came up with a plan, that gave them more then they ever expected, but somehow getting more, made the deal completely bad from the beginning and totally a political witch hunt on trump… what? Then Mitch succeeded in shutting down the bi-partisan commission, by practically begging the Republicans to vote against it, forcing Nancy to come up with this instead. Which got us to yesterday.  
Which amazingly brings me to something that Rachel Maddow brought up last night on her brilliant MSNBC show. In December, 21, 2020, POLITICO published a piece by Melanie Zanona, 'House Republicans meet with Trump to discuss overturning election results' which discusses a meeting, on December 21st, 2020, when Trump got together for several hours with roughly a dozen lawmakers, to discuss what the plans were to be on January 6th!, Huh? January 6th? Yes that January 6th! Please scream this to as many people that can hear you. I wonder what they talked about? Don't you? Seems to me, and I'm no genius, look who was in on the discussions, you guessed it, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)! Yup, the man Kevin McCarthy wanted to be in Nancy's committee, I guess to gum up the works? Also in the meeting was Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) and Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). oh, get this, they supposedly met with Vice President Mike Pence to discuss their plans! WTF! You can't make his stuff up, but you can invite them all of them to sit down under oath, and discuss. So Kevin, you wanted one of the people who were in on the talks about what was gonna happen, on the very day that the Capitol riots occurred, to become a member of the committee? Really? And you are whining that Nancy is making it political … how do I say this, shove it where the Sun doesn't shine! 
How stupid do you think people are? You tried to install a Trump puppet, his personal attack dog, as one of the people into the committee hearings. The same thug that was installed into the Impeachment Hearings, seems to be a pattern occurring. Interesting, how was this event, this get together to possibly discuss an attack on the Capitol, never brought up during Trump's Impeachment hearings? I presume this bit of news published by POLITICO had to have been read by someone, before Rachel brought it up on her show. Maybe it was, but he wasn't a soon to be subpoenaed witness yet, but now, I'm pretty sure he will be soon. So it better be on the top of everyone's lips when the January 6th hearings begin. Especially when Jimmy has to sit in front of Nancy's committee and make like a worm and squirm for all the world to see. Sadly for Jim and his buddies, who possibly went all in on the attempted coup, you can't use Donald's former executive privilege excuse to not answer questions about the conversations, you had with him, after he existed the White House. Finger crossed, this time, Donald, Kevin, Jim, or whomever was actually involved in the attack on the Capitol, and those who decided to protect and lie to cover it up, get everything they so justly deserve., 
If we are to believe what they pitched yesterday, I guess the events on January 6th, is all on her? Right? Don't you love it when men blame women for their own actions? Who continuously ignore the obvious fact that the whole world was watching it live on their televisions. Something that none of us you witnessed it will ever forget. So their entire attack pitch now has become a witch hunt on Nancy Pelosi… It took them six months to come up with this? Who do we go after to deflect this crimes? I know, let's blame Nancy! It's all Nancy's fault! Hysterical, the one person in Washington that Donald couldn't take down, but Kevin and Jim will, ha, ha, ha. We are the patriots they shout. We are the 'Law and Order' party they scream. It's the Democrats who are the authoritarian party, they spew. Just because we want to kick out President Biden on a lie, and reinstall Donald, and 'I can not believe I am writing this', with the almost in your face racist undertone that only white people's votes are legit, should count. The rest of us citizens are illegal. Yup, it's coming to that people, and if you don't get that yet, you better change the TV channel's you've been watching. Because pretty soon, you're gonna wake up and discover Democracy died, without one person dying on the battle field. We might not be in a declared war yet, but I'm sorry, people actually died on January 6th, at the Capitol. So forgive me if I feel that we are under attack, and the enemies at the gate, could be my next door neighbor!

Just one man's opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Thursday, July 22, 2021 

To read the entire article by Melanie Zanona, please check out this link.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Plus our current Attorney General Merrick Garland, came out and gave a warning shot towards the trumpeting Republicans that he's now on the case and their attempt to destroy our voting rights ain't gonna happen, not on his watch.

SO IT'S FINALLY OFFICIAL WILLIAM BARR HAD PURJURED HIMSELF, at least once… seems then Senator and now Vice President Kamala Harris asked Barr a question at a Senate hearing regarding the Mueller report. And now we know, not that we didn’t right then and there, when he had the damnedest time deciding how to describe what he was told or asked to do by Donald in regards to opening up an investigation on the orange wannabee dictator's enemies. Which just so happen to include two sitting Congressmen, who were unbelievably targets of Donald all over the airwaves and on the stomp. One would think that if you were targeting people, one wouldn't tell the world, of course we are discussing a man who asked Russia to find Hillary's missing e-mails on the stomp! So astonishingly, we discovered the other day that, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell, both Democratic leaders in power, Congressmen who were officially investigating Donald and his minions, who were being stonewalled on subpena's and trying to get them to testify, were actually secretly being investigated by trump's Department of Justice! What the heck?!?!? Trump spent many hours, months, especially during this period going after these two top Democrats, repeatedly screaming that they were the leakers! Donald wanted them taken down and he needed his puppets to do it for him. And now it turns out he did just that… oh by the way, what he had them do is illegal! And this time, it's not just precedent, this is a crime! And everyone involved with it, needs to be rounded up, arrested and put away. Especially those still in the Department of Justice still probably doing Donald's wishes.

It's a broken record with these people, as usual when Donald complains about what others are doing or doing to him, we discover that he in fact is the one doing it. This time, we learned that the Department of Justice forced Apple into giving them data information, while it turns out giving them a gag order, meaning Apple couldn't inform any of Trump's targets about what was going on… could you imagine? Just when you think the man couldn't get any slimier… 

Funnily when this latest bombshell was announced, I instantly remembered Kamala's questioning of Trumps' Attorney General, and seemingly was now back on television to remind the world what a bad liar Barr is. All the news media that is, except the one's that pitch Trumps Big Lie. Seeing Barr in the hot seat, watching him sweat as he tried to weasel out of answering, as the whole world waited for his response. Just thinking about it, recalling her offering up multiple options for him to use, as Barr was seemingly struck dumb, still brings me joy. 

Well yesterday, we finally discovered why William Barr couldn't answer her back, because it would have incriminated him. I guess he could have taken the Fifth, or used Executive Privilege, heck its pretty much the excuse Trump used on every question that would send him to prison for life. Not that the Republicans in power would have cared… Seems we are now discovering that Trump ordered Barr to reopen investigations, that had already found nothing and were closed, and guess what, Barr did… exactly what Donald had desired. It turns out, at least the little we know so far,  it seems good old Jeff Sessions had opened these secrete and illegal investigations earlier. Or whomever was in charge at the time, because Jeff officially recused himself from the case. So it's possible somebody and not he himself pulled the lever on this. Perhaps this is why Trump was so upset at Jeff, not because he recused himself from the case, but because he wouldn't do it? Jeffrey you got lots of explaining to do. 

And now just a day after this bombshell revelation came out, it was  announced that the Department of Justice will be investigating what actually occurred and who was behind it. In other words we might going to get to the bottom of this, and if Trump had anything to do with it like we now know he did, maybe this time he’ll get what he deserves… maybe?  Or at least maybe William Barr will finally pay something for his sins… of course I'm pondering if anyone does get it, will it be a scapegoat and the real monsters once again will get away with murder… or whatever crime this will eventually be forever known as.

Plus the newly enshrined Attorney General, Merrick Garland, came out and pretty much announced 'Not on my watch, Traitors! You gonna mess with our voting and I’m going take you down!' Well at least that's how I'm interpreting his words, and that how he made me feel as I was listening to him. Looks like the summer of 2021 is going to be pretty historic… well Donald, you wanted to be in the news again. Maybe this August instead of Trump's wishes that he be reinstated President again like in the real world, not just in his mind, he may be put on trial for yet another crime. This time, for ordering the Department of Justice to go after his political enemies, and having his personal attorney, you know the American people's Attorney General do it. And you know he know's he's in trouble, because William Barr came out and tweeted he had nothing to do with this, acting as dumb, deaf, blind and inbred as he did while trying to evade answering the truth, okay, while lying under oath to a sitting Senator. And so it seems did  Jeff Sessions did the same, coming out to tweet, me neither! Not me! It's like the Republican party , every time their caught with their hands in the cookie jar, turn into Sergeant Schultz on Hogan's Heroes. Right William Barr? I see nothing, I know nothing, I see nothing… just ignore my finger prints all over the scene of the crime! Apparently approving the subpoenas and ordering the investigation all happened on it's own. Or maybe, I'm sure this will be on FOX not by a million miles News, that BLM or ANTIFA did it, I'm sure we're be hearing those excuses. Any second now Funny how the only people getting arrested and who were seen at the January 6th attack on the Capitol are the losers in Donald's very white and sadly possibly inbred flock of deranged and deplorable sheep. Shame on all of them

Just when you though it couldn't get any more insane we find out, thanks to reporters, that Trump has his Department of Justice secretly investigate two Democratic congressional reps who were legally going after Trump… and as usual so far, the Republicans in power are staying silent. Well apparently they liked almost getting murdered at work by a pack of deranged homicidal lunatics. It's bad enough that Mitch and his band of sycophants refuse to do anything but try to make Biden a one term President, as they tried with President Barack Obama, stopping anything that could actually help the American people. But to also, do everything in their power to help a thoroughly outed criminal, a premeditated genocidal murderer, a pathological lying douche bag, but come on fella's even this has to be too way beyond the red line for even you guys to ignore. Which makes me ponder, what if we discover that this secret investigation into these two powerful Democrats, that they also did this against other people in political power? Maybe we will finally discover why the Republicans have mostly turned into zombie puppets. Maybe he does have stuff on all of them, at least then the mass insanity body snatcher display on their parts, will actually make any sense. Or maybe not, but it does make you think, doesn't it?

I'm just wondering if this is gonna finally be the Trumpeter's summer of discontent? Like it's been for the rest of us, since Donald somehow got into office, and began his destruction of all that was good in our nation. Sometimes I wake up pondering if we still are living in America, or was that just a dream and we woke up to a nightmare, where Truth, Justice, and the American Way was never a reality but a wonderful notion that sadly was destroyed by the worst of mankind. Maybe this time, the Trump's and his minions have finally gone too far, just maybe? I mean, I guess trying to blackmail a Ukrainian President wasn’t bad enough to punish him? And I now understand thanks to Republicans that causing a genocide, was just I guess yesterday's news. And as far as the attempted overthrow of our Government, a coup, it wasn’t it seems God awful enough and simply just another Sunday picnic. Stupid me, I always figured that the monsters who tried to destroy our Democracy, wouldn't be such pussies to actually blame others for their actions. I thought they were brave patriots saving us from those trying to 'steal' the election, simply listening and obeying the words of their leader? I mean, aren't they proud of their criminal actions? They tell us that Donald spoke to them, directed them, practically shoving them into a riot. Didn't we all see Donald live on air telling his people to take a walk to the Capitol and he was gonna join them? I mean I watched it, and apparently the entire world did too. But instead, now his flock comes off as whiney little babies, losers who wet themselves, as they demand to go home disregarding the crimes against our nation that the whole world witnessed that they actually committed.   

And while we still don’t know if the tax evasion cases will in the end get him, and possibly every member of his family, at least maybe the truth this time, will finally land him in a prison cell. I mean, one would hope, having your head Gestapo secretly go after your political enemies finally would be enough to take the man down. I guess someday we will all find out. The only question now is, will these new blockbuster criminal actions finally be the thing that wakes his followers up and takes him and his people down with him?

Just one man's opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms, Saturday, June 12, 2021

If you like the art, Donald Trump, You Are the Worst President America Has Ever Had. it's available in various forms, including T-shirts and posters. Please check out this link. Thanks.
