Thursday, July 13, 2017


Who would have thought that the President’s own son, would turn out to be the smoking gun! How ironic, seems Junior has learned everything from daddy.

“I LOVE IT” So do I, Junior, because you just signed your admittance of guilt. Who knew that the 400 pound fat man that Trump keeps telling us might be the hacker, could be the one true thing that our President has ever said? Seems, the fat man’s name in the real world is Rob Goldstone, and he’s an entertainment agent whose the go between on Junior sordid affair. The man, was the person behind getting Trump’s Miss Universe Pageant into Russia and he contacted Junior setting up the meeting, or was the scam? With friends like these, who needs enemies? So on June 3, 2016, Donald Trump’s son received an email from the fat man telling him that a Kremlin lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskay, had intel that could hurt Hillary Clinton. A week later, the meeting was set up between Natalia Veselnitskay and Junior. After he was offered the filth against Hillary he got really excited, possibly peeing in his pants, and told Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort. But instead of them calling the FBI or sitting back and going maybe this would be wrong. They agreed to go with Junior, and I guess you could say history was changed forever. Sorry if I repeat myself, because this story keeps changing and I have to repeat it to make sure I am up to date and that all the dots and facts line up. So let’s get this straight, the President’s son gets an email on June 3. Just 15 minutes later, Junior emailed back to say yes. I’d love to meet. The very next day daddy, announced in a campaign event that he was going to have a big reveal in the next week or so, and would have lots of dirt on Hillary Clinton. A week later Junior and pals had the infamous meeting with the Russian lawyer. Supposedly the meeting turned out to be a bust. According to Junior and the Trumpeters, nothing came out of the meeting and it turned out to be about adopting Russian children. As the experts on TV have explained, the Russian adoption angle was really about sanctions against Russia. You know the ones that President Barack Obama had implemented because of Russia’s hacking of our democracy.

To make things even better, or is that worse, until last week this meeting wasn’t even known, supposedly by anyone except those who attended it. The only reason we even discovered it took place was because Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. In order to work in the White House Jared had to revise his SF86 security clearance form. You see, after initially supposedly forgetting, who knows how many meetings with foreign agents, and skipping to report them, some of those meetings started getting discovered through the news media. Seems, he’s one of many members of the Trump campaign whose minds are amnesic when it comes to Russian meetings. So instead of perjuring himself, Jared revised the forms. One of these edits turned out to be this meeting with Junior and the Kremlin attorney. Juniors defense is that supposedly this secret meeting, the top 3 members of the Trump campaign all somehow decided it was such a nothing burger, it totally slipped their minds. No big deal. Everyone does it. So now lets go after Hillary Clinton some more she’s the run who colluded with Russia, not us. Ignore everything that we are talking about. Lets go back to before thee election. The fact that no Hillary Clinton information was supposedly revealed during the meeting honesty doesn’t matter. Besides, are we really to believe their explanations of what the meeting turned out to be, since they’ve lied about even having it.  Hm, wondering if anyone’s videotaped the event? Vladimir, helps us out.

To add even more coal to this now rapidly burning brush fire, it turns out the meeting might just be the second most important event of the day. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell had a story which makes Juniors screw-up amazingly even worse. Seems the appointment with Natalia Veselnitskay, had to be pushed back an hour, because the Kremlin attorney was busy working on a criminal case against a Russian money-laundering company. Turns out, that Preet Bharara, the Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, who Donald J. Trump fired was in charge of this case. The case was huge, having crimes in the neighborhood of $230 million. According to Lawrence O’Donnell, Vladimir Putin is probably involved with any case this large. After all of the US Attorney’s were fired, Jeff Sessions, settled the case for $6 million. And from day one, many people felt that Sessions was ordered by the President to make the deal. Now the Democrats want to find out why this case was settled for such a small amount and what was Natalia Veselnitskay’s part in all of it. Remember, originally Preet Bharara was asked by Trump to stay on, but he was fired along with all of President Barack Obama’s United States Attorneys. According to the piece, its now possible that Trump fired all of the US Attorneys to cover up Bharara’s firing. You gotta ask yourself, what are the odds that the same Russian attorney is involved in both historic events. And if she worked on this Russian money-laundering case, presumingly she was working under the guidance of the Russian President. Are we really supposed to believe Putin wasn’t behind her meeting with Junior? Told you your mind would be blown. 

If you listen to all of the Trumpeters and a vast majority of the Republicans wants us to believe this events doesn’t matter. Junior didn’t break any laws. See still no smoking gun, isn’t it time to shut down this nothing burger? Well if there was nothing there, why has Donald Junior lied about any collusion between Russia until the press threatened to out him. If he was being so transparent, more than a year of lying would never have happened! In fact, if Junior had come out and called the FBI on the evil empire for trying to play with our Presidential election, he currently might be looked at as a saint amongst the American people and not a lying treasonous douche bag. But instead he lied, acted stunned and took it personally that anyone dared accuse any of his crew with doing actually what he attempted to do. Junior keeps whining, if someone called you with news that could help your campaign, everyone would do what he did. No sir, not everyone. 

Actually, a similar event actually happened during the Gore v. Bush campaign. Vice President Al Gore was actually sent George Walker Bush’s debate brief book. But instead of doing what Junior did, the Gore camp, didn’t jump for joy or set up a meeting, they called the FBI. Seems as opposed to attacking the Democrats, perhaps the Republicans should take notes from the real Americans out there, the Democrats. So should we believe a man that says nothing was discussed since we now know he’s been lying straight faced since day one about any collusion with the Russians? The next question in all this is, was this the only meeting? Junior in his bombastic manner now claims that the 4 pages he tweeted out showing the emails is the entire relationship with this Kremlin attorney. But during his interview with Hannity, Junior slipped out that there were more meetings. There have also been reports that there was an email chain between Goldstone and Junior. There is a query that sounds like that Donald actually spoke to the attorney via the phone sometime before the meeting. So it appears either the Kremlin attorney or Goldstone was either playing with Junior, or suckering him into becoming a pawn for Russia. Maybe this is what Vladimir has on Donald? You play nice, or Junior gets destroyed. Remember until last week we didn’t even know about this meeting. Now a few weeks after this initial introduction, Donald Trump comes out with that infamous campaign speech where he practically pleaded for Russia to release all of Hillary Clinton 30,000 missing emails. Perhaps doing one of these other secretive meetings that has yet to be revealed, those 30,000 emails were discussed and the time line of their release was decided. 

Now that we know that Trump or his campaign was colluding with Russia, or at least trying to collude with them, shouldn’t we start talking about Hillary’s stolen election? Now that Vice President Pence probably was in on everything too, shouldn’t we start talking about figuring out a way for Hillary to be given her proper seat in the Oval office? I’m sorry, if Mike Pence didn’t know about General Flynn or Junior’s email, he is either the most dense member of the Trump Presidency or its biggest liar. And if we do find the smoking gun, and connect or the dots, shouldn’t that mean the entire Trump regime be removed and Hillary be put into power? Since Hillary’s accusation that Donald Trump was a puppet for Vladimir has pretty much been turning out to be fact, shouldn’t she be put into office, sworn in as president, and allowed to sit in her chair which she richly deserves and earned by getting the popular vote? Isn’t it time for the Democrats to have a meeting with Hillary Clinton and the power players of the Congress and discuss getting Hillary Clinton into the oval office? Isn’t it time to shut up the naysayers of the supposed Democrats out there, sit down the friends of Bernie and those Hillary haters and read them the riot act? 

We now know she was telling the truth. We now know Donald was lying pretty much about everything. Trump fired the FBI director and he’s currently trying to get his pick in. Who knows if yesterdays performance on the hill which seemed to bedevil the Senate, was the real FBI nominee, or simply another performance by a Trumpeter appointee that will bite us in the ass once he gets approved. Isn’t it time that the Republican Party get their heads out of their asses, get themselves up off their knees, and do the right thing? They demonized Hillary Clinton for the last 20 years. Thanks to their masterful job, Donald Trump is currently in The White House, and now its their fault that he’s getting away with murder as President. Listening to the Trumpeters make excuses for Junior, pretty much sums up their political party and the last decade of Republican obstruction. If they get caught, its a so what moment. If others had done it, its the death penalty. Seriously enough! 

So for months we’ve heard the same talking points, there was no collusion with Russia with the Trump campaign. Ironically the loudest voice in the inner circle was Junior’s, and now we know why. Talk about a secret to have kept. As this latest wrinkle has been revealed I am getting a very strong sense of Déjà vu. Doesn’t this whole episode sound like the Chris Christie’s Bridge Scandal. Seemingly his inner circle was in on it, but Trump himself was out stuffing his face with KFC. Lastly, originally I was gonna write about Trump’s meeting with Putin in Germany. What got me unnerved was it seems, nobody in the media gets the fact that Donald isn’t a stooge when it comes with Vladimir. Sorry, as this latest wrinkle in history has showcased, our President was and is in on everything. How much more evidence needs to come out before others open their eyes?  

Just one man’s opinion

© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms. Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thursday, July 06, 2017


Plus sadly the only bad joke we heard in Poland was our President once again showcasing he’s simply… delusional! 

SO THE FAKE NEWS PRESIDENT, USED A DOCTORED VIDEO to attack CNN. The back story is, the Mad King reused a video that he or his associates had found online. As is his lot, not only did he use it without permission, the person who had originally created it turned out to have, shall we say a despicable resume. Just like his son’s who share items from Alt-right sources, Donald has a penchant for sharing garbage from anti-Semites. In any case, the original video is one of Donald during his infamous Wrestlemania appearance days. Where the staged wrestling match was between Trump and some overly muscled wrestler. In the updated video, the wrestler’s face has been covered with the logo of CNN. So when Donald stomps on his foe, he’s really stomping on CNN, get it? Are you laughing now? Simply unbelievably childish, and so unbecoming of the office of the Presidency. So it fits right in with everything we’ve suffered through in the past year and a half. Am I the only one who is befuddled by the idea that any president was elected after being on wrestlemania? CNN investigated who the person was who originally doctored the video and reported it. That should have made some of his followers sit up and go wait a minute. But instead, the sheep who follow Donald, started sending hate and death threats to the reporters. Apparently the conspiracy nut jobs out there, are saying that CNN blackmailed the videophile into release info or some such nonsense. Because they warned the guy, not to do crap again otherwise we would tell the world your identity. Seems, that to the blind, the reporter was the bad in all this, and the video was just a funny thing to laugh about. Kind of like the Trumpeters attacks on the leakers of the Russian stories. That’s all Trump and company want to discuss, not what was done to our democracy. Attacking the media, slamming the free press. Seems facts are now the new enemy, thanks for that Donald.

This latest mind blowing event occurred about the same time as Donald had a spat with Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski. As he dropped several tweets attacking Mika that made even the most die-hard Republicans say, that might have been going too far. My hope was that, just like Kathy Griffin supposedly went too far with Trump’s bloody beheading, Donald’s disgusting tweet about her bloody facial plastic surgery might be the thing that finally makes even his staunchest supporters, wake up and smell insanity. But of course, it didn’t. It felt like more of the same to me, but at least the chorus of dissenters grew louder. While the rest of us think it’s disgusting, deplorable and gross, as usual his Trumpeters think it’s funny. Well I don’t know if what I’ve seen on the Internet are true, but it seems Joe Scarborough, the other half of Morning Joe, has let it me known that he has evidence proving Donald tried to blackmail the MSNBC talking heads into apologizing for all their obnoxious rhetoric against him. 

At this point I must mention that in the past and off and on, I have worked as a freelancer and on staff at American Media, Inc., which publishes the National Enquirer. And yes, besides my time at the Star and Celebrity Living Weeking, I worked for a brief spell on the news gossip weekly National Enquiror. But my tenure at there occurred years a go. I bring this up because currently I sometime fill in the production end of Star and US Weekly magazines, and was working on Thursday and Friday when the Mika and Morning Joe story broke. Well, you can imagine  what the buzz was those days. Happily I only overheard the talking and didn’t have to work on anything related to it.  

Now with all the talking heads going crazy over this one, there is talk about yet another investigation being set up, or at least they can add this one to one of the others. What makes this threat really important is that Trump by threatening the MSNBC morning anchor, might have actually broken a real law. It seems the conversation between Donald and Joe about the National Enquirer story, might be the thing that actually gets Donald Trump kicked out of the White House or at least put on Impeachment watch! Can someone say, karma, with a capital K! You see, the National Enquirer was gonna be printing an article, which outed their ‘sordid’ relationship. The now engaged couple, well other people were involved at the time, so this outing could’ve ruined them both. So Trump wanted an apology for their negative discussions about him on their show, otherwise his friends at the rag would publish the gossip. To make the whole thing even bigger in today’s world of whose a crook in the White House, Jared Kushner was the supposed go between on this blackmail. So the one-two punch of a National Enquirer article, blackmail, overreaching of presidential powers, illegalities in the White House, and a video that many people think went too far, may finally put the country on notice that our president needs to not be our president any longer. At this point I have to write a, here I go again. People all of this disgusting back and forth by the orange faced buffoon is just another deflection to stop the talking heads from discussing what we really should be talking about. The repeal of Obamacare and the replacement with what looks like nothing. 

I read something today that made me stop in my tracks. Seems in their opinion, the doctored video of the wrestling match between Donald Trump and CNN is pretty much his whole campaign and now Presidency. A wrestling match, that’s it. And you know what, that is the perfect description of the crap that we’ve been living through. Look at Donald, listen to the way he acts, it is like wrestlemania come to life. Sadly wrestlemania was more realistic and felt less phony. The way he attacks his enemies, gives them nicknames, tries to carnival barker them down to nothings. How could any of us have been so blind not seeing that Donald became president by acting like he’s a member of Vince McMahon’s wrestling empire. 

Now back to more pertinent things, that is if suffering through another round of Presidential tweets isn’t important to you. Today in Poland, Donald Trump once again, showcased why he shouldn’t be our President. I honestly haven’t watched the entire event with his counterpart, the Polish leader, but the little I saw was simply embarrassing. Again he refused to admit the truth about Russia. Claiming that there were really only 3 or 4 intelligence agencies, not 17, so who really knows. He again attacked President Barack Obama, blaming him for allowing the hacking to continue because as he explained, Obama thought Hillary was gonna win so he didn’t do anything. Plus, he wondered to the Polish leader, if he had as much trouble with the fake media as he had in America! Seriously, oh my God on a level I don’t think even exists. At one point he mentioned the cheering crowds, of course skipping the fact that they actually had bussed in the ‘fans’ to make the wannabee dictator feel loved. Just like he did in his initial announcement that he was actually gonna run for the White House. How simply pathetic and sad.

So the question to the world has to be, how did we let this happen? And since we now know what a failure it is, how do we stop and evict the Trumps from the White House. How do we erase their 175 days in office and start returning all the wonderful things that President Barack Obama did in his eight years prior to this monstrosity? As we’ve discovered beside destroying the United States and turning it into a Russian satellite country, Donald Trump has spent his entire presidency trying to erase everything that our former president did that actually had made America great again. The only thing that’s not making America great is the guy who is now currently sitting in the White House doing his best to ruin it. Trump is shitting on the White House, shitting on the presidency and he’s shitting on everything that is democratic and great about our nation. The fact that the Republicans don’t care what he’s doing, makes them as culpable if not worse. Someday hopefully sooner than later they will all go to the pit of Hell with him and watch Donald roast on a spit as they await their turns to roast.  According to a recent poll, the Republicans out there aren’t blaming our President for things not getting accomplished, they are blaming the Congress. No seriously, I’m not making this up. When I first read that online I practically blew a gasket. But when you sit back and remember we are discussing the Republican led House of Representatives and the Senate and their not so glorious record of accomplishment. So I could see why that sentiment is probably true. The one thing you can say about Donald is, he knows how to pitch to his flock. Remember even though citizens keep electing the fools back into power, Donald J. Trump was elected to supposedly clean up the swamp. The problem being of course they kept the players in power who have turned the halls of power in Washington into the cesspool that it currently is. Somehow the sheep can’t see their own elected officials as the bad guy and always blame everyone else.

Maybe its a God complex? All that said, its really not Trump’s fault he hasn’t had anything to really sign into law, remember the Congress hasn’t passed anything of consequence. For example, instead of really coming up with a healthcare law, Paul and Mitch concocted something so monstrous, that the plan would never pass. And if it did, the numbers they are discussing are frightening on a level that would rival Nazi Germany. All we heard for years was how terrible Obamacare was, all its faults, but never heard anything about what they would replace it with. It was more a we couldn’t do as badly or as Donald unbelievably had promised to the African American community, “What do  you have to lose!” According to the experts, or should I write anyone who isn’t a Trumpeter, the legislation they’re pitching isn’t really a Healthcare bill at all, its a tax bill disguised as one. When we hear the President say, who knew how complicated Healthcare was, that should end any questions that the man knows anything. The Republicans knew complicated it is, and keep talking a big game. I wouldn’t doubt the plan they are pitching now, is probably the one they alway wanted. They simply don’t beleive in Government run anything except the military. It seems all their talk was just that, they simply don’t care about the people. Its just a shame that the people that will be harmed by them, don’t seem to get that at all. So now Donald is threatening to just repeal Obamacare and not replace it. Lets worry about that health insurance thing later. Cause later, anything we give them would be better than nothing, right? So apparently the Mitch and Paul plan is working out perfectly. Not that the President isn’t to blame, but if he wasn’t so a sleep at the wheel or more likely insane, or actually wanted a plan like he pitched during his campaign, what the Republicans are pulling right now, they wouldn’t be. But they are, and he’s just jonesing for a bill to enact into law. I am the first to admit, that I haven’t believed one word the man has said for as long as I can remember. But when someone runs to become the President of the United States, his pitches are his bond with the voters. Its just a shame, that as a candidate he ran on promises without any explanation of how he would accomplish anything, and too many people allowed this to happen. Not surprisingly as President those polices he pitched ain’t the ones we are getting at all. Sadly the voters who blindly fell for him have acquired amnesia, and as usual are blaming everyone else for the problems. 

Besides his circus demeanor and lies up the gazoo, the main reason Trump became so beloved by so many sheep was, that not only was he attacking the Democrats during the campaign, he was destroying the Republicans in power even more. As one by one, they dropped by the wayside, he mowed down the clown car filled with idiots attacking them for their lies and bull. The problem being, once he defeated all those fools in the Republican party, instead of them disappearing with their tails between their legs, they sold their souls even more to stay in power. While doing so, co-opting Trumps supposed plans and mutating them into their own. Trump instead of putting his foot down and saying, I won, remember, he instead said you guys work up the plans. Screw what I said or who it hurts, I’ll agree to everything. If anyone believed me, they deserve what they get. Just another victim added to the list. I’m here to make millions or billions from this con. Just bring me things to sign that I can lie about and you guys will be in my good graces for as long as I run this dictatorship. And if you don’t fall in line, watch as I destroy you as I’ve torn apart so many so far. Much like George Walker Bush’s followers who attacked those who proved that WMD’s never existed, the Trumpeters are doing the same with Trump lies and deflections. It seems for those who believe him, nothing he pitched before matters. In other words, if he lied to get into power, who cares. Sadly ‘we the resistance’ can now look at what’s happening and realize that the knowing we were right doesn’t make any of this feel any better. The old, ‘I hate being right’ feeling is oozing all around us. More than anyone else I so wish I was wrong. Scarily, for the first time in my life time, Trumps first few hundred days, have me living each day not knowing if tomorrow could be the day we can actually say the world is coming to an end, and not be exaggerating.  

Just one man’s opinion
© Neil Feigeles, Neilizms. Thursday, July 6, 2017